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Unlimited Bodies - Parijs (FR)

Unlimited Bodies - Perles Du Corps
Palais d'Iéna (Siège du Conseil économique, 9 place d'Iéna 75016 Parijs, Frankrijk)
Van 13 t/m 24 oktober 2012




UNLIMITED BODIES presents an exclusive show of 30 international sculptors. Representative of several generations, these artists will move into the 1000 square meters of the hypostyle room in the Palais d'Iéna for twelve days.

UNLIMITED BODIES explores contemporary sculpture in a one-on-one confrontation with its public, revealing an art that is deeply rooted in the present moment. The scuplture-bodies of the show are of a human dimension and emphasize the formal analogy between sculpture and the human figure. The metaphorical and allegorical transformations which happen to the body when it is treated as sculpture are highlighted by the exhibition. The social and political dimensions of human beings are also part of sculpture's ambition. The displayed works directly question the place of the human being in today's world.

Invited artists

Cyrille André / Kriti Arora / Stephan Balkenhol / Olivier Blanckart / Don Brown / Steven Claydon / Damien Deroubaix / Claudine Drai / Shirin Fakhim / Karim Ghelloussi / Antony Gormley / John Isaacs / Mela Jaarsma / Oleg Kulik / Mehdi-Georges Lahlou  / / Christian Lemmerz / Edward Lipski / Markus Lüpertz / Joanna Malinowska  / Alexandra Mein  / Matthew Monahan / Lucy & Jorge Orta / Tony Oursler / Tinka Pittoors / Jean-Pierre Raynaud / Julien Salaud / Johan Tahon / Laurent Tixador / Dimitri Tsykalov  / Veronika Veitt / Mahki Xenakis / Brigitte Zieger

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