Op 8 mei om 16u00, zal Johan Tahons 2,5 meter hoge bronzen sculptuur Offer worden ingehuldigd op het Rohrmeisterei-Plateau in Schwerte, Duitsland. Het beeld werd aangekocht door het het Kunstverein van de stad Schwerte, waar Tahon vorig jaar exposeerde ter gelegenheid van Ruhr2010.
Iedereen is van harte welkom op de inhuldiging die zal worden ingeleid door Dhr. Arie Hartog, directeur van het Gerhard Marcks Haus in Bremen, Duitsland.
Meer informatie vindt u hier: www.ruhrnachrichten.de
'F', 2023-2024, Stoneware, 80 x 30 x 20 cm (© Studio23)
Solo exhibition
STUDIO23, Ghent (BE)
December 13, 2024 - January 12, 2025
The exhibition ‘Fingertips’ is extended till January 26
Through his evocative and masterful works, Johan Tahon invites you to experience the delicate balance between nature, emotion, and the passage of time. His sculptures promise to stir deep reflection and awe, offering a unique glimpse into his artistic journey and the intricate layers of the human experience.
At the heart of Fingertips is the tactile, sensual act of sculpting—each piece molded directly by the artist’s hands, engaging in a quiet yet powerful dance between maker and medium. These works, formed from both clay and ice, bear the imprints of the artist’s fingers, leaving traces of his emotional connection to the material. The act of creation becomes an expression of feeling, an exploration of presence, vulnerability, and transformation.
STUDIO23, Dublinstraat 35/006, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
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