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Publicatie gemaakt in samenwerking met Gerhard Hofland ter gelegenheid van Volta Basel 2015.
Gelimiteerde oplage van 1000.
Te verkrijgen via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Publicatie gemaakt in samenwerking met valerie_traan gallery ter gelegenheid van Johan Tahons tentoonstelling Albarelli (for all sores) van 23 januari t/m 8 maart 2014.
Tekst: Johan Tahon in gesprek met Marc Holthof


Salt and Ice

Publication artist book - ‘SALT and ICE’ (180mm x 230mm / 328pp / Softcover)
SALT and ICE is a new artist book from Johan Tahon in collaboration with Belgian photographer Jeroen Mylle and designer Niels Benoot.

Printed in a limited edition of 50 copies, numbered and signed by the artist.
Copies are available at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Johan Tahon - White Seeders



Catalogue issued for the exhibition of Johan Tahon  White Seeders at Akbank Art Center, Istanbul (TR), from November 23th 'till December 31st 2011.
62 pages. Published by Akbank Sanat / Akbank Art Center, Istanbul.
For more information visit: www.akbanksanat.com